Access to current champion rotations by region from Riot API and champion information from DataDragon
champion_rotations(regionId, get_url=False)
Returns champion rotations, including free-to-play and low-level free-to-play rotations
regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'
get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)
champions(version, get_url=False)
Returns all available champion data from DataDragon at the specified version
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
names(version, get_url=False)
Returns a list of strings containing each champion's name (Wukong name is 'Wukong')
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
ids(version, get_url=False)
Returns a list of strings containing each champion's id (Wukong name is 'moneyking')
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
keys(version, get_url=False)
Returns a list of ints containing each champion's key
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
by_name(version, championName, get_url=False)
Returns information of the champion specified. P.D. Wukong name is 'Wukong'
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
championName: text string containing a champion name. P.D. Wukong champion's name is 'Wukong'
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
by_id(version, championId, get_url=False)
Returns information of the champion specified. P.D. Wukong id is 'moneyking'
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
championId: text string containing a champion ID. P.D. Wukong champion's ID is 'moneyking'
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
by_key(version, championKey, get_url=False)
Returns information of the champion specified
version: String containing the current version of LOL (e.g. '12.4.1' to this date)
championKey: numerical value containing a champion key.
get_url: When true, don't make a DataDragon API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from DataDragon API call (or link when get_url is True)
Last updated