
Allows request for league information LeagueListDTO and entries LeagueItemDTO


entries(regionId, queueId, tierId, divisionId, get_url=False)

Get all the league entries. (Set[LeagueEntryDTO])

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

queueId: LOL queue ID. Accepted values: 0-2(inclusive) for 'RANKED_SOLO_5x5', 'RANKED_FLEX_SR' & 'RANKED_FLEX_TT'

tierId: LOL tier ID. Accepted values: 0-5(inclusive) for 'DIAMOND', 'PLATINUM', 'GOLD', 'SILVER', 'BRONZE' & 'IRON'

divisionId: LOL division ID. Accepted values: 0-3(inclusive) for 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

challenger_leagues_by_queue(regionId, queueId, get_url=False)

Get the challenger league for given queue. (LeagueListDTO)

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

queueId: LOL queue ID. Accepted values: 0-2(inclusive) for 'RANKED_SOLO_5x5', 'RANKED_FLEX_SR' & 'RANKED_FLEX_TT'

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

master_leagues_by_queue(regionId, queueId, get_url=False)

Get the master league for given queue. (LeagueListDTO)

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

queueId: LOL queue ID. Accepted values: 0-2(inclusive) for 'RANKED_SOLO_5x5', 'RANKED_FLEX_SR' & 'RANKED_FLEX_TT'

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

grandmaster_by_queue(regionId, queueId, get_url=False)

Get the grandmaster league of a specific queue. (LeagueListDTO)

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

queueId: LOL queue ID. Accepted values: 0-2(inclusive) for 'RANKED_SOLO_5x5', 'RANKED_FLEX_SR' & 'RANKED_FLEX_TT'

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

entries_by_summoner(regionId, encryptedSummonerId, get_url=False)

Get league entries in all queues for a given summoner ID. (Set[LeagueEntryDTO])

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

encryptedSummonerId: Summoner IDs are only unique per region. Different APIs use different IDs

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

entries(regionId, queueId, tierId, divisionId, get_url=False)

Get all the league entries (Set[LeagueEntryDTO]).

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

queueId: LOL queue ID. Accepted values: 0-2(inclusive) for 'RANKED_SOLO_5x5', 'RANKED_FLEX_SR' & 'RANKED_FLEX_TT'

tierId: LOL tier ID. Accepted values: 0-5(inclusive) for 'DIAMOND', 'PLATINUM', 'GOLD', 'SILVER', 'BRONZE' & 'IRON'

divisionId: LOL division ID. Accepted values: 0-3(inclusive) for 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

leagues(regionId, leagueId, get_url=False)

Get league with given ID, including inactive entries (LeagueListDTO).

regionId: LOL server ID. Accepted values: 0-11(inclusive) for 'BR1', 'EUN1', 'EUW1', 'JP1', 'KR', 'LA1', 'LA2', 'NA1', 'OC1', 'RU' & 'TR1'

leagueId: Division and queue for a specific region ID. (e.g. 'f3b585a2-8b09-3940-b3fc-d2e404f2a5c4' refers to LA2 Ranked_5x5 Grandmaster league)

get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection

return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)

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