Returns MatchDto
matches(matchId, get_url=False)
Get a match by match id
matchId: LOL match ID. Syntax contains <Region>_<NumericalSequence> (e.g. 'LA2_1138947703')
get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)
matches_by_puuid(clusterId, puuid, get_url=False)
Get a list of match ids by puuid
clusterId: riot cluster ID. Accepted values: 0-2(inclusive) respective to 'AMERICAS', 'ASIA' & 'EUROPE'
puuid: Public User ID's are globally unique. Different APIs use different IDs
get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)
matches_timeline(matchId, get_url=False)
Get a match timeline by match id
matchId: LOL match ID. Syntax contains <Region>_<NumericalSequence> (e.g. 'LA2_1138947703')
get_url: When true, don't make an API call and returns the url connection
return: JSON object retrieved from riot API call (or link when get_url is True)
Last updated